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1. General notes

  • Our source language is EN-US (US English)
  • Remember to hand off designs to the Localization team

2. Engineering notes

  • Use the Intl browser API for localization. This will automatically localize dates and times into the correct format
  • Where manually-created content needs to be formatted correctly in the code, use the relevant guidelines shown in this documentation
  • Below is an example of using the Intl API, with more examples embedded in the previews on this page

Dates, months and years

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Sequence and formatting

  • Always include month and date
  • Write the month in full wherever possible; only abbreviate when space is limited. Consider revisiting the design before abbreviating
  • Write the date as a number, not a full word or an ordinal (e.g. 8th, 3rd)
  • Display the year if there is a high likelihood the date will be referenced outside of the current calendar year
    • For example, invoice billing dates that occur outside current calendar year
  • Don’t use the format mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy
  • Optional: If it's likely the customer will see the information within the same day or the next calendar day, you can use “today” or “tomorrow” instead of the date
  • When you only include month and day: use uppercase Month followed by a space, then the date
    • [Month][space][date]
    • For example: April 1
  • When you include month, date and year: use uppercase Month followed by a space, then the date, then a comma followed by a space, then the year
    • [Month][space][date][comma][space][year]
    • For example: April 1, 2024


  • March 8
  • March 8, 2024
  • Mar 8, 2024


  • March eight
  • March eighth 2024
  • March 8th 2024
  • 5/8/2024

Abbreviations (days and months)

  • Spell out full words for days and months when space allows. Why? Full words are clearer
  • Only abbreviate when space is limited
  • Be consistent when using abbreviations
  • Don’t include a period/full stop after an abbreviated month
  • If you have to abbreviate, always use a 3-letter abbreviation

Days of the week abbreviations

Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun

Months of the year abbreviations

Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | n/a (May) | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

Date ranges

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Sequence and formatting

  • If the date range is in the same month, do not repeat the month
  • If the date range is in the same year, do not repeat the year

  • In a full sentence, write out “to” between a range of times
  • If space is tight, “to” can be replaced with an en dash “–”
  • Don’t insert a space before or after the en dash
  • Tip: On a Mac, keyboard shortcut “option + dash (-)” creates an en dash


  • The sale runs March 29 to April 2, 2024
  • March 29 to April 3
  • The sale runs March 29-April 2, 2024


  • The sale runs March 29 -- April 2, 2024
  • March 29 until April 3


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Sequence and formatting

Engineering notes

  • Follow the local convention for style, punctuation, and sequence. 
    • For the US, that means 12-hour time with AM/PM
    • For most European locales, use 24-hour time
  • Always display time in the local timezone
  • Use the Intl browser API

  • Use the 12-hour clock. Include AM or PM
  • Write AM and PM uppercase
  • Don’t include periods/full stops
  • Insert a space between the numeral and "AM" or "PM"
  • Don't use the 24-hour clock (also known as military time; 19:30, 22:15)
  • Use a colon to separate hours from minutes (for example 2:30 AM)
  • Times are written without a starting “0”
  • Always include hours and minutes (for example, “7:00 PM”, not “7 PM”).
  • When date and time are used together, follow local conventions for separating the two. Follow the date guidelines to determine whether or not to abbreviate the month


  • 7:30 AM
  • 1:30 PM
  • 11:30 PM
  • 9:00 AM
  • 7:10 AM


  • 7:30a.m.
  • 13:30
  • 11:30 p.m. or 11:30PM
  • 9PM
  • 07:10 AM

Time ranges

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Sequence and formatting

  • Use a single AM or PM at the end of the range, if both times have the same AM or PM
    • For example: 8:30–10:00 PM
  • Show an en dash “–” between a range of times
  • Don’t insert a space before or after the en dash
  • Tip: On a Mac, keyboard shortcut “option + dash (-)” creates an en dash


  • 7:30–10:00 AM
  • 9:30 AM–3:00 PM


  • 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM
  • 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM

Date and time used together

When to use date, time, or both

It's nuanced and depends on the use case.

  • Include time and date wherever possible so it's explicitly clear which date we're referring to
  • If the date is not relevant in a specific context, it's OK to only include the time

Examples of using only date, only time, or both

  • CARE contact hours: Not date-specific, but would be something like "8AM-8PM, Monday to Friday"
  • Delivery window: In general people need to know the date, but if the delivery date is listed in a different content block on the same page, there’s no need to repeat date
  • Shipping date: If we know the projected shipping date but the time is unknown or not relevant, we'd only include the date
  • Sale ends time: In general this would need to include date, but there may be some use cases when the sale ends that same day, so that may be a use case for something like this: “Sale ends today at 11:59 PM”

Sequence and formatting

  • Date should come first followed by time
  • If date and time are used together, use a comma to separate the date from the time


  • March 8, 2024, 7:30 AM
  • March 8, 7:30 AM


  • March 8 : 7:30 A.M.
  • March 8 • 7:30 a.m.
  • March 8, 2024. 7:30 a.m.