<iframe src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-5HGSQD2L" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden" title="GTM"></iframe>

Bounded Content

Bounded Content puts a maximum width on page content and adds horizontal spacing to keep content from touching the edges of the browser window.

Use Bounded Content...

  • To wrap all page content that should have a maximum width and shouldn’t touch the edges of the browser window.

Don't use Bounded Content...

  • To wrap any content that should span the full browser window, such as the header, footer, or many banners.
  • To add horizontal spacing to components or inside other page content. Use the Spacing system instead.

Use BoundedContent to put a maximum width on page content. It also adds horizontal spacing to keep content from touching the edges of the browser window. It should wrap most content, including any content in Grids. Exceptions include the header, footer, and content in the hero zone.

Here's an example of how Bounded Content affects page content. The black border indicates the edges of the browser window:

The preview has been updated.



This component is implemented using the <div /> as the root element. You can utilize the native attributes supported by <div /> tag. The ref is directly assigned to the root element, allowing you to access and manipulate it as needed.
See core props for additional props that can be applied to this component.