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A simple container for grouping related content.

Use Card...

  • To bring hierarchy to content by grouping related things together.
  • To segment a section of content apart from the rest visually.

Don't use Card...

  • To frame an entire page section. Instead, frame groups within a given page section.
  • To group items related to a product, such as an image product, name, and actions related to that product. Use a Standard Tile instead.

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Use bordered to add a border, making it more visible against white backgrounds.

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Full Bleed

Use fullBleed to remove the padding.

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Even Height

Use evenHeight to make Cards within the same Grid row grow vertically to match the height of the largest card.

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Use skin="link" and Link with covering to make the card behave as a Link. Refer to covering guidelines.

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Cards are containers, flexible enough to handle a wide array of layouts.

We recommend not combining Card with another SWAN component, as you may get unexpected layout and/or behavior. Treat it simply as a container into which you put other components. In particular, don't combine a Card Container with a grid element.


Cards can be used to highlight content apart from the rest on a page.

Visual design

Use bgc to apply a background color to a Card.


This component is implemented using the <div /> as the root element. You can utilize the native attributes supported by <div /> tag. The ref is directly assigned to the root element, allowing you to access and manipulate it as needed.
See core props for additional props that can be applied to this component.
skin"link" | nullfalse
Use "link" if you want to render card as a link or <Link> as a Card covering
fullBleedboolean | nullfalse
Whether or not the content should expand to the edges of the Card
borderedboolean | nullfalse
Whether or not the card should have a border
evenHeightboolean | nullfalse
Whether or not this Card should stretch its height to fill its parent GridContainer Row This is useful if you have a Row of Cards and you want them to all be the same height