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Search Input

Input field for search queries.

Use Search Input...

  • For page search query.

Don't use Search Input...

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Managing state

As is the case with most form elements, folks often want to "control" this component. Controlling a component means that you take ownership over its state rather than letting the browser manage the state for you. When you control a component,Β youΒ own the source of truth for the UI. This means that you don't need to query the DOM in order to determine the current value of the element. So, when it comes time to use the value of the element somewhere else (e.g. submitting the selection to a back-end service) you can trust your stored value.

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Provide assistive devices with information on what the input field does. You can either:

  • Use an aria-label attribute with a localized value.
  • Wrap the Search Input into a FormField with a FormLabel component with the visuallyHidden prop. Refer to Form

Provide assistive devices with information on what the buttons do for the Search and Clear icon buttons that are simply icons and have no visible text. For react users, the following props are required: accessibleTextForClearButton and accessibleTextForSearchButton.


Avoid placing a Search Input inside an element that is a table cell or has CSS display: table-cell. This configuration may result in the Search Input being rendered more narrowly than its actual minimum width. Use Grid to constrain it instead.


For the Search Input in the top navigation, a visible label is not required. For accessibility purposes, the magnifying glass icon is considered a sufficient Web standard to indicate sitewide search when a searchbar is in the top navigation.

However, if there is an additional Search Input on the page, that Search Input must have a visible label. This allows users to distinguish between the Search Inputs, and what each one does.

Note that placeholder text is not enough to meet accessibility needs for labeling; there must be a persistent label. Consider using the placeholder text to provide additional helpful instructions.

Content accessibility

AA (required)

AAA (advised)

If search instance includes an on-page label:

Content identity (editorial)

Ensure all content adheres to our global copy style guide standards.

Content usability

  • Make sure wording is specific, instructional and contextual.
  • Use <verb> + <noun> sentence structure for label and button text
    • See Language section for more information.

Representative examples:

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Label/placeholder text

  • Verb should always be β€˜search’.
  • Noun phrase should be specific to the search context (global or local).

Representative examples:




t shirts


your order history


help articles


logo ideas


gallery templates


  • Use plain English to help ensure source language is easy and efficient to translate.
  • Remember to allow for text expansions for other languages - roughly 35%.


All internal searches made through the global site search bar are non-indexable which means they are not available for Google to use in its search results. As long as that rule remains in place any change on how internal searches are made and/or results are displayed won't have any effect on our SEO.


This component is implemented using the <input /> as the root element. You can utilize the native attributes supported by <input /> tag. The ref is directly assigned to the root element, allowing you to access and manipulate it as needed.
See core props for additional props that can be applied to this component.
skin"standard" | "error" | nullfalse
The visual variant. Note that error is implied if the SearchInput is used inside of a FormInput that also contains a FormError. Available options: 'standard', 'error'
onClear((...args: any[]) => any) | nullfalse
The click handler for the clear button
onSearchSubmit((...args: any[]) => any) | nullfalse
The click handler for the search button
