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Use to define body copy styles.

Use Typography...

  • For depicting most body text.
  • To modify the default typographical styles in a certain DOM region.

Don't use Typography...

  • To add structure and divide screens into sections. Refer to Heading (H1–H6) for more info.


SWAN's fontSkin property provides a set of styling decisions: font size, font weight, font family, line height, and letter spacing. It is the preferred way to set typography.

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For edge cases where fontSkin isn't sufficient, SWAN provides text sizes. For a list of available font sizes, see Font size.


SWAN provides two font weights: normal and bold. Use bold to emphasize specific content. Avoid using bold for large paragraphs of text.

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Line height and letter spacing

The Typography component provides the line height and letter spacing mapped for each font size.


Text should use textColor="standard" for almost all cases. Use textColor="subtle" for cases where less contrast is needed.

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Dark mode

The default text color (standard) will switch to white when used with dark mode. For example, the code block below has been set to dark mode, so the text within the Pagination component has turned white.

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Text should be aligned to the left in most cases. If you have a sound use case, you can use textAlign=”center” or textAlign=”right” for alternate alignments. Never fully justify text. Refer to Typography for more information on use cases.


Use truncate to prevent text from wrapping into multiple lines, truncating it and displaying an ellipsis instead.

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No wrap

Use noWrap to prevent the browser from putting a line break in the middle of text.

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Use sentence case for almost all text. Refer to Typography for more information.

For specialized use cases (such as stylizing the “New” text in Callouts), you can use textAllCaps to render text with the appearance of all caps. We recommend using this prop sparingly.

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Typography as a heading

We recommend rendering headings using the SWAN H1–H6 components. For some use cases, headings can be rendered by using Typography as=”H3” to achieve a similar effect. For example, the heading below visually looks the same but has been rendered in two different ways.

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Convenience elements

In React, many of the basic typographic tags are available as convenience elements, so that instead of <Typography as="p">, you can just use <P> instead. These convenience elements take all the same props as Typography, but they don't need (and shouldn't use) the as prop.

Convenience elements are available for <P>, <Span>, and the headings H1H6. Note that since these are React components, they take an initial capital letter.

Best practices

  • The optimal line length for your body text is 60-80 characters per line, including spaces.
  • Use the provided semantic text color tokens to achieve 4.5:1 contrast ratio of text to background.
  • Use the body.standard font skin for body copy wherever possible.
  • The body.small font skin can be used to to create informational hierarchy with multiple lines of text.
  • Don’t use any additional fonts.
  • Don’t introduce new type sizes.


The ref is directly assigned to the root element, allowing you to access and manipulate it as needed.
See core props for additional props that can be applied to this component.
noWrapboolean | nullfalse
truncateboolean | nullfalse

Core props

SWAN provides core props that can be applied to any typographic element. Refer to Core props for more information.
