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1. General notes

  • Our source language is EN-US (US English)
  • Remember to hand off designs to the Localization team

2. Engineering notes

  • Use the Intl browser API for localization. This will automatically localize currency into the correct format
  • Where manually-created content needs to be formatted correctly in the code, use the relevant guidelines shown in this documentation
  • Below is an example of using the Intl API:

Currency data

The preview has been updated.

Follow the local convention for style, punctuation, and sequence

  • The United States Dollar symbol = $
  • Put the symbol in front of the numbers
    • Format: [currency symbol][value]
  • Don’t include a space between the currency symbol and the numbers
  • If an amount is less than one, insert a zero before the decimal point
    • For example, $0.25 (instead of $.25)
  • If using minus or plus symbol (to show price reductions or additions), place it in front of the currency symbol
    • For example, -$15.95 or +$3
    • Don’t include a space between the minus or plus sign and the currency symbol
  • Don't include a currency abbreviation (each country site is localized)
  • Don't include the cent symbol (¢)
    • For example, the US site will automatically display US dollars and the Australian site will display Australian dollars, so there's no need to label these with USD or AUD
  • Don’t spell out dollars or cents, just use the $ sign and decimals


  • $74.99
  • $74
  • -$74.99
  • $0.01
  • +$50.95


  • 74.99 US dollar
  • 74.99 USD
  • USD74.99
  • 74.99$
  • $74.00
  • ¢1