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File Tile (draft)

Card based component used to display files


The FileTile component is designed to display individual files.

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You can change the UI layout by setting layout="list" for a list view or layout="thumb" for the default thumb view.

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Use the skin prop to specify what state the FileTile is such as standard, loading, queued, error.

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To show an error on a FileTile, set skin="error" and set an errorMessage. Ensure that a FileTile with an error is always wrapped in a FormField in order to access the form context.

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If you'd like to provide a file preview, you can pass an image as a child to the FileThumbnail, otherwise a file icon will be displayed.

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The fileDescription prop is used to show extra meta about the file. This could include file size or file dimensions e.g. 3.56 MB or 600px x 400px.

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If your FileTile has skin="error" or an errorMessage, then it needs to be wrapped in a FormField component so that the form context exists. Pairing this with a FileDropzone will automatically pickup the errors from FileTile and apply them to the file input in the FileDropzone.